Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grayson's remarks hit Repubs right in the Perot charts

(NOTE: Until leading members of the right correctly identify those on the left as the Democratic Party instead of Democrat Party, you will find all future references here as Repub or Repubs)

I’m about a two-hour drive from Orlando and the only things I know about it and the surrounding area is Interstate 4 and the endless string of hotels, Disney World, Magic Basketball and the Citrus Bowl. If you spotted me everything except the ‘n’ in his first name I would have no idea who Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL) was – until a couple of days ago.

The Congressman got the Repub Party all aquiver when he went Ross Perot on them showing off their health care proposals.

Grayson (right) brought out his own set of charts to more dramatize the Repubs’ proposal and I never realized how simple it all is. So I asked myself, “What is all the fuss when it is just a two part plan?”

As someone who is now getting up there in years, I find it comforting to know it’s more than two parts, it’s an either-or. Grayson showed Part 1 – Don’t get sick. Well, other than a number of ailments that are aggravating they are not life threatening, at this moment, that’s really right up my alley.

I smiled and waited breathlessly as I began to slide to the right in my La-Z-Boy. I figured these guys have it together and maybe the left isn’t as smart as I though.

The other shoe dropped.

Grayson’s Part 2 was a shot to the soler plexus and I gasped for air. I felt asthmatic as if my flat screen sucked all the air out of the room. I needed an inhaler but all I could find was my can of dust remover I use for my computer. Thank goodness I didn’t slide too far in the recliner because a miracle happened, it was on my left.

I was saved by a can. Halleuja!

The words were big. They were scary. Oh my gawd, what were they thinking? DIE SOON? This simple plan seemed penned by simpletons.

Actually, there is no such plan brought forth by the Repubs, just a whole lot of no, no and more no. In any event, Alan Grayson is my hero. Despite using the word holocaust to close out his statement, he hit the nail right on the head.

As usual, the Repub machine is now out to character assassinate Grayson with things like being mentally unstable but we all know the right has cornered the market on name calling. If they cannot get over with an outright lie or distortion of facts they did into their bag of epithets.

Sadly, the Repubs use an elephant as their brand, a symbol many believe represents never forgetting, however, it is the Democratic Party who will have the long memory. The longer they stonewall the most significant piece of legislation since Medicare the more likely they will not be able to push through something that might normally pass without incident down the road.

Oh yes. The voting public will remember too.

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